We require a minimum of 7 business days to avoid a rush fee. All orders placed within 7 business days will be charged a rush fee. Please allow one additional business day for us to process your request, this is not included in the 7 business days to avoid the rush fee.
Please refer to the rush fess concerning all services.
7 business days: No rush fee
6 business days: 25% of subtotal
5 business days: 30% of subtotal
4 business days: 35% of subtotal
3 business days: 40% of subtotal
2 business days: 45% of subtotal
1 business day/24 hours: 50% of subtotal
Please refer below for the recommended minimum amount of days for various services.
Production services: Minimum of 3 business days
Design services: Minimum of 7 business days
Production and Design Services: Minimum of 14 business days